A jump in the water of the Como lake after the Grand Fondo is highly discouraged for the season. It is better to recover by jumping in to the local cuisine, maybe just sitting at the table with friends after the kilometers of the race. The most characteristic dishes of the Lariana tradition: the “misultitt and the “polenta uncia”, local version of the most famous dish in the North of Italy.
With the word “misultitt” it is indicated the agoni, fishes of the Como lake, that are served after a particular treatment: firstly they are cleaned, then dried (hanging from a string) and placed in layers with bay leaves in cans called “misolte”. Inside those cans the fishes are kept for some months, under press to extract the oil. They are cooked on the grill and served parsley.
Characteristic of the Gran Fondo climbs is the polenta uncia, dish discouraged on the eve of the race: it is a classic polenta put in a marmite alternating it with layers of cheese. Over the dish, in the end, it is poured a condiment made with butter, garlic and sage.