Numbers not always are cold and silent: often they are capable of telling stories and describing situations better than words. This is the case of the stats about the Gran Fondo Il Lombardia which is going to take place tomorrow on the roads coasting the Como Lake.
Numbers that tell how this race is appreciated all over the world: more than 40% of the participants comes from foreign countries and for this second edition all the five continents are represented. Last year Africa was the only continent missing but the Swaziland athlete will fill this gap. Compared to 2017, the number of nationalities is growing: they were 25 countries not including Italy, tomorrow there will be athletes from 35 different countries. The new entries are Swaziland, Austria, Brazil. Cayman Islands, Hong Kong, Ireland (with 18 participants), Macedonia, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Turkey and Venezuela.
At national level, there are 18 regions represented: the only regions missing are Valle d’Aosta and Basilicata. The dominant region is Lombardy (with 435 athletes), which exceeds clearly Emilia Romagna (80), Piedmont (73) and Veneto (50). At the bottom of the barrel there are Sardinia, Abruzzo and Calabria with only one athlete.