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All set for the Gran Fondo Il Lombardia

By 11 October 2019Gran Fondo

On Sunday 13 October, the day after Il Lombardia NamedSport, Cantù will host the Gran Fondo Il Lombardia Enel, starting at 7.30am.

2,400 sportive riders have already registered to be at the start of a course that features the climbs of the Madonna del Ghisallo, the Sormano with Muro and Colma. Half of the starters will come from outside Italy, enjoying the chance for a weekend in Cantù and on the shores of Lake Como with a unique Monument Classic atmosphere.

The Gran Fondo Il Lombardia is the last of the season’s events for sportive riders organised by RCS Sport/RCS Active Team.

Date: Sunday 13 October, 2019
Start: Cantù, 7.30am
Finish: Cantù

Gran Fondo Il Lombardia – 111.2km
Gran Fondo Il Lombardia / option without the Colma di Sormano – 113.5km

100 bibs are still available, with registrations still open tomorrow, from 9.30am to 7.30pm, at the village in Cantù in Piazzale di Corso Europa, where it will also be possible to watch Il Lombardia NamedSport live on a maxi-screen.

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